Tuesday, 30 April 2013

May Art Journaling Challenge is UP at Hummie's World!!

 Yes! It's up today so you can get a little head start if you like!!
You can find my Challenge for May HERE!

Also, watch out for an extra challenge from me this month for iNSD on May 4th! There will be lots of extra fun at Hummie's...chat, extra challenges, and of course a massive 50% sale in The Boomerang Store!

Not to mention a new Store Collab. kit tomorrow - The Tower's Window - which is a beautiful kit! I'll be posting my pages made with that once it goes live in the store, but there are some sneak peeks in the forum as well as some LOs made with it so far by our Designers and CT!

Hope to see you at Hummie's for my Challenge - and don't forget to have a look at the other great challenges there for you as well!

Happy Scrapping!
Bernie x

My page for my Challenge, and a preview of the Participation Prize!

Credits: Paper, bird, feather, bird cage, tree, masks, stitches, butterfly – all from The Boomerang Store Designers’ Collab. kit The Tower’s Window;
Circles overlay: Marisa Lerin;
Feather image used as overlay – photoshop roadmap;
Snowflakes – brush by PhotoshopGraphics.com;
Fonts: Title: Allura; Journaling: You Are Loved & Freebooter Script.

Made with elements from The Tower's Window!

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Chance to win our May Boomerang Collab. - The Tower's Window!

All you have to do is leave a comment...HERE!...and you could win the kit!
Good luck!

Happy Scrapping!
Bernie x

FREEBIE paper!

One of my papers from the upcoming COLLAB. at The Boomerang Store is this week's FREEBIE at Hummie's World!! 

You can find it HERE... http://www.hummiesworld.com/gallery/the-boomerang/p25946-towersamplepaper.html

What are you waiting for?!! Its FREE! Go grab it, LOL!!!!

Happy Scrapping!
Bernie x

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Busy Busy Busy!!

Morning! I've been very busy lately planning new things! A new kit for May, plans for iNSD at the start of May, a new Boomerang Store Collab. which is GORgeous, not to mention my May Art Journaling Challenge!! So, time for us all the clear the decks and catch up with our scrapping so we're ready to GO GO GO! come May!!!

Happy Scrapping!
Bernie x

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Hummie's Template 95!

Hummie is giving away a lovely template as a Fan Freebie on Facebook! Have a look at her Hummie's World page! (It's also in the Hummie's World forum, for subscribers).

This is what I made with it!
My youngest daughter and my niece at the Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday!

Bernie x

Credits: Template 95:

BoBoBernie April Art Journaling Challenge is UP!

Bit late posting this here, after the Easter Weekend and my Birthday on Monday (yup! 1st April baby!!)...but my April Art Journaling Challenge is UP at Hummie's World!
You can find the challenge details HERE!

My page this month ended up being more about the art than the journaling! But of course, that's OK! There are no rules when it comes to art journaling! It's a personal thing, and for me, this page says exactly what I want it to!

The challenge is about what we are searching for in life, and for me, I think peace and quiet, calm and that connected feeling I get when I'm walking along the beach - especially in the Winter when there are so few people around there! The few days before I made this, I'd driven past this scene four or five times and the colours and sight of the changing sea had been so inspirational, I HAD to try and get that feel down on my digital canvas!

I really enjoyed myself making this page! Everything except the lighthouse is created from brushes!

Anyway, I hope you will join me at Hummie's World, and have a go at my challenge! There are lots of other challenges there as well - plenty to keep us all occupied!!!

Here's my page, and a preview of the little participation gift if you take the challenge! (It's made with elements from my Light of The World kit).

Happy Scrapping!
Bernie x